Staff Blog
Accelerating electric cars in Haryana: Four opportunities for the new government
The Indian state of Haryana, an automobile hub, has a key opportunity to accelerate EV adoption through stronger supporting policies and expanded infrastructure.

Facilitating electric bus adoption by private bus operators across India
The PM Electric Drive Revolution (PM E-DRIVE) scheme supports EV adoption in India’s public transport, but its exclusion of private bus operators—who run 93% of buses—raises concerns about scaling electric mobility, highlighting the need for policy changes.

Emissions reduction and benefits of the first 3,825 electric buses under PM-eBus Sewa
India’s PM-eBus Sewa scheme aims to deploy 10,000 electric buses across 100 cities and this blog analyzes the greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions avoided by the first batch of electric buses to be deployed, when compared with diesel buses.

Four reasons to double down on investment in R&D for electric vehicles in India
By investing more heavily in research and development (R&D) for EVs, India can further localize production to create jobs, tap export markets to gain global strategic advantage, support electrification of trucks and tractors to meet net-zero targets, and make EVs cheaper and safer.

Moving past the early market: How to get battery electric vehicles to the mainstream
Explores the current state of battery electric vehicle (BEV) adoption in Europe, highlighting the challenges of moving from early adopters to mainstream consumers and the critical role of targeted policies and regulations to bridge the adoption “chasm.”

How U.S. ports can partner with the ICCT to leverage federal funding for electrification
With technical assistance from the ICCT, ports can conduct inventories of emissions and estimate the benefits of electrification.

Fair play? The German car market amid increasing competition from China-based manufacturers
Explores the impact of the increasing market share of China-headquartered manufacturers in Germany’s automotive sector.

Electrifying all U.S. trucks is not just feasible—it’ll cost less than some might have you think
Explores recent estimates for electrifying the U.S. truck fleet, finding that it is both feasible and affordable, in contrast to the Clean Freight Coalition’s inflated $1 trillion projection.

Clearing the Air in India: GPS could become handy
GNSS technology in highway tolling can also be pivotal for implementing policy strategies that support improvements in air quality, equitable motor vehicle taxation and transport planning.

New EU rules on private charging and how Member States can legislate more ambition
The first in a two-part blog series explores the European Union’s Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD), focusing on the mandatory installation of private charging stations for electric vehicles in new and renovated buildings.

How European apartment dwellers can charge up and drive electric
The second in a two-part blog series explores the implementation of the European Union’s Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) for electric vehicle (EV) charging in apartment buildings, offering case studies from across Europe to demonstrate innovative approaches to making EV charging accessible and affordable for residents in multi-unit dwellings.

Keep up the good sales: Ways to support the market for used BEVs in Germany
Expanding the used battery electric vehicle (BEV) market can help alleviate financial barriers to the technology and promote equitable access to BEVs across the broad population.