Staff Blog
Cleaner vehicles and better monitoring: New RDE regulations on light-duty vehicles in India
India’s Real Driving Emissions (RDE) regulations for passenger cars will reduce the gap between emissions during lab tests and real-world driving emissions.

It’s time for Europe to address diesel defeat devices once and for all
Over seven years after the Dieselgate scandal first broke, high emissions from diesel vehicles are still a widespread issue

Health impacts and social costs in Brazil of a one-year delay in P-8 standards
Examines the effects of a year’s delay in implementation of emission standards for heavy duty vehicles in Brazil, and finds substantial harm to health and life expectancy of Brazilians should such a delay occur.

Alternative fuels infrastructure in Europe: Electric trucks and buses can’t wait another decade
While the AFIR proposal introduces much needed Europe-wide infrastructure targets for HDVs, it falls short on ambition

Drafting the future of clean hydrogen: Build Back Better with an additionality requirement
U.S. policymakers can strengthen the hydrogen tax credit in the Build Back Better Act by including an additionality requirement.

No time to lose for the European Commission to make plug-in hybrid CO2 emission values more realistic — and no need to wait!
Assumptions regarding how frequently PHEVs are charged has a big impact on the gap between real-world and type-approval emissions.

Don’t let the industry greenwash green hydrogen
Certifying that hydrogen and efuels are produced from 100% additional renewable electricity is not as simple as it seems.
The European Commission's fitness program for climate protection sluggards
Initial reactions to the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.
Details matter: The outsized climate benefits of setting annual targets for new cars in Europe
This blog uses recent ICCT modeling of the post-2020 European Union CO2 standards to quantify just how large the climate benefits of setting annual CO2 targets would be.

The ongoing battle for stricter vehicle emission limits in Europe
Since the first regulations were put in place to address pollution from cars, the arguments against emissions standards have scarcely changed.
The often forgotten larger, heavier cousins of passenger cars: Europe's CO2 regulation for vans
Previous CO2 standards have provided little incentive for van manufacturers to add electric vehicles to their product ranges.
GO big or GO home with e-fuels and hydrogen
While the use of e-fuels and hydrogen can avoid the pitfalls of biofuels, how can it be guaranteed that they are truly made from renewable electricity?