Staff Blog
How upstream methane leakage further weakens the argument for natural gas trucks
Natural gas trucks’ greenhouse gas benefits are marginal when accounting for methane leakage—and could lock out better zero-emission alternatives.

Ambitious HDV regulations are key to unlocking Canada’s full decarbonization potential
Following the milestone implementation of the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard (EVAS) for light-duty vehicles (LDVs), ambitious regulations for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) are an important next step toward Canada’s decarbonization goals.

Two reasons the EV transition could mean more U.S. manufacturing jobs: Vertical integration and onshoring
Highlights the potentially positive impact of the electric vehicle (EV) transition on manufacturing jobs in the United States.

Gray, blue, or moo hydrogen? How gas companies are milking California’s LCFS
Avoided methane emissions from out-of-state dairy farms are fueling a burgeoning shadow carbon offsetting scheme within the California LCFS

Get on board California’s zero-emission trains!
California adopts a first-in-the-nation ban on the oldest and dirtiest diesel locomotive engines.

Don’t plug in your plug-in hybrid? EPA will now hold automakers responsible.
Accounting for the real-world use of PHEV’s would prevent over-crediting of GHG emission savings

Infrastructure and supply chains won’t hold up EPA’s proposed light and medium-duty vehicle standards
EPA’s light and medium-duty vehicle proposal builds on a strong foundation of private investment and supporting policies in infrastructure and supply chains.

Will California rise to the Biden administration’s SAF Grand Challenge?
Although sustainable aviation fuels have faced some stumbling blocks, several measures are available to support SAF scaleup

Aligning the U.S. greenhouse gas standard for cars and light trucks with the Paris Climate Agreement
The next phase of the GHG standards present an opportunity to put the U.S. on a definitive decarbonization pathway

Biden wants all new commercial trucks to go electric by 2040
By signing the Global MOU and committing to 100% ZEV truck sales in 204 the Biden Administration sends an important signal at a key moment. It will shape EPA’s ambition for the Phase III GHG standard, and changes the game globally as well.

To put the United States on track to reach 50% electric vehicle sales in 2030, cut the greenhouse gas target in half
Making the next round of standards at anything less stringent would mean leaving climate benefits on the table

A 2022 update on electric car sales: China taking the lead, the U.S. catching up, and Europe falling behind
Standards and supporting policies can have a big impact on the electric vehicle market