Insight & Analysis
The ICCT provides independent research and technical and scientific analysis to regulators, policy makers, researchers, and others working to support and develop clean transportation policies around the world.
Latest Publications
More PublicationsRace to Zero: European Heavy Duty Vehicle Market Development Quarterly (January – September 2024)
Race to Zero: Zero-emission bus and truck market in the United States (January –June 2024)
European vehicle market statistics 2024/25
Monitor 2024: Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe – ein statistisches Porträt des Pkw-Markts in Deutschland aus sozialer Sicht
Evolução recente do Mercado Brasileiro de Veículos Leves: A Chegada de Elétricos e Híbridos (2021–2024)
道路货运电动化之路: 河南省郑州市建筑工程渣土车案例
New central subsidies for scrapping and renewing coastal and inland river ships in China
SAF policy scorecard: Evaluating state-level sustainable aviation fuel policies in the United States
More VideosWe produce a variety of video content, from our Chart of the Week and 1 Minute for Clean Transportation series to animations, author interviews, and recorded webinars.
Charts & Visualizations
More Charts & VisualizationsExplainers
More ExplainersFrom the background to the details: blogs, briefs, videos, card stacks, infographics, and visualizations to illuminate the problems and opportunities for clean transportation policy.