Insight & Analysis
The ICCT provides independent research and technical and scientific analysis to regulators, policy makers, researchers, and others working to support and develop clean transportation policies around the world.
Latest Publications
More PublicationsEvaluating the policy value of dairy biomethane-derived hydrogen in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Pilotos de buses eléctricos en el sistema de transporte colectivo de la ciudad de Medellín
迈向更加清洁、可持续的货运铁路: 中美货运铁路系统和服务运营情况对比
Nationwide port emissions screening for berthed vessels: Prioritizing U.S. port electrification to improve air quality for near-port communities
迈向更清洁、更高效的客运铁路: 中美客运铁路关键指标和重要政策对比
Tracing the steel supply chain of the shipbuilding industry
Vertical Take-off? Cost Implications and Industrial Development Scenarios for the UK SAF Mandate
Real-world vehicle emissions in four major Scottish cities
More VideosWe produce a variety of video content, from our Chart of the Week and 1 Minute for Clean Transportation series to animations, author interviews, and recorded webinars.
Charts & Visualizations
More Charts & VisualizationsExplainers
More ExplainersFrom the background to the details: blogs, briefs, videos, card stacks, infographics, and visualizations to illuminate the problems and opportunities for clean transportation policy.