ZEBRA anuncia expansión de autobuses eléctricos en América Latina
(Versão em português abaixo.) Los fabricantes e inversionistas firmaron un compromiso con ZEBRA, Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment Accelerator por sus siglas en inglés, para expandir las flotas de buses de cero emisiones para el transporte público en Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México. Bogotá, 10 de diciembre de 2020 – Hoy ZEBRA presentó una coalición de […]
How a critical mass of countries could double the pace of the global transition to zero emission vehicles, and how you can help
The transition from petrol and diesel cars to zero emission vehicles is accelerating towards a tipping point. Governments of some of the world’s largest and most influential car markets just agreed to work together to make it go even faster.
Growing momentum: Global overview of government targets for phasing out sales of new internal combustion engine vehicles
California is part of a global trend of governments committing to phase out sales of new internal combustion engine vehicles.
For Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard, not all wood is good
Although the solid fuel pool is expected to be the smallest contributor to the proposed Clean Fuels Standard’s broader target, its implementation could have a substantial effect on the climate impact of the program overall.
Every manufacturer’s “Dzire” for meeting PV fuel consumption standards in India
Maruti Suzuki’s Dzire offers a case study in meeting India’s fiscal year 2022–23 fuel consumption targets with incremental technologies in mass-selling, low-priced vehicles.
Transforming Transjakarta: First steps toward electric buses for the world’s largest BRT fleet
Jakarta’s revered bus rapid transit system is heading toward electrification.
Notice of proposed rulemaking for Control of Air Pollution From Airplanes and Airplane Engines (EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0276-0001)
The International Council on Clean Transportation’s comments submitted to the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division (ASD) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on October 19, 2020 on their Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Control of Air Pollution From Airplanes and Airplane Engines (Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0276-0001). Notice of proposed rulemaking for […]
Germany’s RED II implementation plan supports the country’s ambitious climate goals
The German Ministry of the Environment’s proposal goes beyond the Directive’s requirements to limit certain biofuels.
Bien preparados aunque poco dispuestos: los fabricantes de autobuses y camiones piden postergar la adopción de la norma Euro VI en América Latina
Este mes, los grandes fabricantes de autobuses y camiones con presencia en México obtuvieron una prórroga en la última fase de la norma de emisiones NOM-044, equivalente a la norma Euro VI, que los obliga a comercializar vehículos considerablemente menos contaminantes.
Prontos, mas não tão dispostos: fabricantes globais de veículos querem reverter a Euro VI na América Latina
Na semana passada, fabricantes globais de automóveis conseguiram reverter a NOM-044, importante norma mexicana sobre emissões veiculares equivalente à Euro VI.