Annual global battery demand by demand reduction scenario compared with announced cell production capacity
On a global level, the total announced cell production capacity and the proportion of this capacity that is considered highly probable, exceed projected demand at least until 2030. The majority of the announced cell production capacities are in China, corresponding to 84% of the global total in 2023 and 67% in 2030. In the […]
Supersonic aircraft: Twice as nice, or double the trouble?
Startups aiming to develop supersonic aircraft see a bright future, despite the high carbon intensity of their designs. But given evidence that supersonic aircraft will burn seven times more fuel per seat than subsonic aircraft, is there really room for supersonics in a net-zero future?
International research consortium launches FUMES 2 to further quantify methane emissions from LNG shipping
Targets include two-stroke LNG engines, LNG carriers, and LNG cargo handling operations (Washington, DC) 12 December 2024 — The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) announces the launch of FUMES 2 (Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships Part 2), an expanded follow-up to the groundbreaking FUMES study measuring methane emissions from ships fueled by […]
Delhi’s multi-pronged approach to move towards cleaner, integrated public transport
As Delhi paves its way toward EV policy 2.0, we explore its electrification journey through the lens of public transport service improvement.
Antriebswende: Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen können Zugang zu E-Autos maßgeblich erleichtern
Berlin/Essen, 2. Dezember 2024 – Der Umstieg auf Elektrofahrzeuge ist noch nicht für alle Bevölkerungsgruppen gleichermaßen möglich. Das zeigt ein von der Stiftung Mercator geförderter Monitor des International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). Gezielte Programme wie alternative Finanzierungsmodelle können jedoch den Zugang für breitere Teile der Gesellschaft erheblich erleichtern. Das zweite Jahr in Folge analysiert […]
Developing home charging can cut Indonesia’s public charging costs
Explores the strategic importance of promoting home EV charging in Indonesia.
Perluasan adopsi home charger dapat memangkas biaya investasi SPKLU di Indonesia
Menjajaki pentingnya secara strategis mempromosikan home charger untuk kendaraan listrik di Indonesia.
Introducing a new plume regression technique for point sampling to support cities in monitoring air quality
Details a new technique that simplifies point sampling and can offer cities valuable new information about how much different vehicles are contributing to ambient air pollution.