Press release


Press release

International research consortium launches FUMES 2 to further quantify methane emissions from LNG shipping

Targets include two-stroke LNG engines, LNG carriers, and LNG cargo handling operations (Washington, DC) 12 December 2024 — The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) announces the launch of FUMES 2 (Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships Part 2), an expanded follow-up to the groundbreaking FUMES study measuring methane emissions from ships fueled by […]

Press release

Antriebswende: Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen können Zugang zu E-Autos maßgeblich erleichtern

Berlin/Essen, 2. Dezember 2024 – Der Umstieg auf Elektrofahrzeuge ist noch nicht für alle Bevölkerungsgruppen gleichermaßen möglich. Das zeigt ein von der Stiftung Mercator geförderter Monitor des International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). Gezielte Programme wie alternative Finanzierungsmodelle können jedoch den Zugang für breitere Teile der Gesellschaft erheblich erleichtern. Das zweite Jahr in Folge analysiert […]

Press release

Establishing an emission control area for ships in the North Atlantic Ocean could prevent several thousand premature deaths through 2050

Berlin, 12 November 2024 – A new study by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) finds that establishing an emission control area (ECA)—a designated maritime region where stricter regulations are enforced to prevent, reduce, and control air pollution from ships—in the North Atlantic would have significant environmental and public health benefits. The study follows […]

Press release

Abwrackprämie: Stilllegung alter Diesel- und Benzinfahrzeuge fördert Klimaziele und senkt Gesundheitsrisiken

Ein gezieltes Abwrackprogramm für ältere Diesel- und Benzinfahrzeuge könnte ein Drittel der erforderlichen Emissionseinsparungen im deutschen Verkehrssektor erzielen und gesundheitsschädliche Luftschadstoffe maßgeblich reduzieren. (Berlin, Germany) 17 October 2024 – Ohne zusätzliche Maßnahmen läuft Deutschland Gefahr, die Klimaziele im Verkehrssektor zu verfehlen: aktuellen Prognosen zufolge muss bis 2030 eine Lücke von 34 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Äquivalent (CO2e) […]

Press release

New study: Scrapping old diesel and petrol vehicles lowers public health risks and supports Germany’s climate goals

The introduction of a scrappage scheme targeting old diesel and gasoline vehicles could close one-third of Germany’s projected transportation emissions reduction gap while reducing harmful air pollution. (Berlin, Germany) 17 October 2024 – Germany risks falling short in meeting its 2030 climate targets without additional measures to reduce emissions in the transportation sector: Projections suggest […]

Press release

Major automakers in the red when it comes to using green steel

A new report by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) reveals that only four of the 17 major automakers selling vehicles in Europe and North America have committed to start using any fossil-free steel by 2030. The commitments total an estimated 2% of the global steel used by all these major automakers.  When including commitments to use lower-emissions steel, this figure rises to only 4%.

Press release

Event brings together solutions, conversations and ideas around decarbonizing India’s transport

Over two days, ICCT India’s annual flagship event brought together a range of panels on topics like electrification of trucks, decarbonizing LDVs, buses in Delhi, setting up low-emission zones, etc. New Delhi, August 28-29: At the Indian Clean Transportation Summit (ICTS) 2024, International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) in India’s annual flagship event, experts urged […]