Press release
Study finds real-world emissions from diesel pickup trucks in the United States are higher than regulatory limits
(October 31, 2024) Washington, DC – A new report from The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE) Initiative which analyzed more than 360,000 data samples from Virginia and Colorado found that the impact of diesel pickup trucks on emissions in the United States is significant. Truck models from Ford, Ram, GMC, and Chevrolet are emitting on average […]
Abwrackprämie: Stilllegung alter Diesel- und Benzinfahrzeuge fördert Klimaziele und senkt Gesundheitsrisiken
Ein gezieltes Abwrackprogramm für ältere Diesel- und Benzinfahrzeuge könnte ein Drittel der erforderlichen Emissionseinsparungen im deutschen Verkehrssektor erzielen und gesundheitsschädliche Luftschadstoffe maßgeblich reduzieren. (Berlin, Germany) 17 October 2024 – Ohne zusätzliche Maßnahmen läuft Deutschland Gefahr, die Klimaziele im Verkehrssektor zu verfehlen: aktuellen Prognosen zufolge muss bis 2030 eine Lücke von 34 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Äquivalent (CO2e) […]
New study: Scrapping old diesel and petrol vehicles lowers public health risks and supports Germany’s climate goals
The introduction of a scrappage scheme targeting old diesel and gasoline vehicles could close one-third of Germany’s projected transportation emissions reduction gap while reducing harmful air pollution. (Berlin, Germany) 17 October 2024 – Germany risks falling short in meeting its 2030 climate targets without additional measures to reduce emissions in the transportation sector: Projections suggest […]
Major automakers in the red when it comes to using green steel
A new report by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) reveals that only four of the 17 major automakers selling vehicles in Europe and North America have committed to start using any fossil-free steel by 2030. The commitments total an estimated 2% of the global steel used by all these major automakers. When including commitments to use lower-emissions steel, this figure rises to only 4%.
Event brings together solutions, conversations and ideas around decarbonizing India’s transport
Over two days, ICCT India’s annual flagship event brought together a range of panels on topics like electrification of trucks, decarbonizing LDVs, buses in Delhi, setting up low-emission zones, etc. New Delhi, August 28-29: At the Indian Clean Transportation Summit (ICTS) 2024, International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) in India’s annual flagship event, experts urged […]
Study shows Delhi’s motor vehicles emit far more in real-world operations as compared to lab setting
Recent report highlights that the transition to zero-emission vehicles needs to accelerate in Delhi NCR, especially in high emitting segments like commercial vehicles. New Delhi, August 23, 2024: Delhi and nearby Gurugram have suffered the debilitating impacts of poor air quality for decades. The transport sector has been a major contributor to this form of […]
Aircraft manufacturers need to dramatically increase investments in zero emission planes
UN agreement means that all new aircraft delivered after 2035 will need to be net-zero over their entire lifetime (July 18th, 2024) Washington, D.C. – To achieve the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) goals of net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050, all new aircraft delivered after about 2035 will need to emit zero net […]
As the transition to electric vehicles continues, which automakers will keep pace?
There are big improvements in technology performance, but room to expand on ZEV models offered. (Washington, DC) May 30, 2024 — Today, the International Council on Clean Transportation released its annual assessment of automaker’s progress transitioning to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). The transition continues to accelerate, reflected in growing sales, improved technology performance, and more ambitious […]
2023全球车企电动化转型评级:特斯拉、比亚迪蝉联前二 日系车仍全面落后
国际清洁交通委员会(ICCT)于5月30日发布报告《全球汽车制造企业评级2023:谁是电动化转型的领先者》。该报告深入评估了2023年全球轻型车销量排名前21位的汽车制造企业向零排放汽车过渡的进展,并从市场主导地位、技术指标、战略愿景三大核心维度进行评分。报告将车企分为领先企业、正常转型企业与转型滞后企业三个等级,并与2022年的评级情况进行对比,以揭示各企业在产品零排放化和低碳化转型方面的最新动态与发展规划。 该评级涵盖了中国、欧盟、印度、日本、韩国和美国六大关键汽车市场,涉及的21家车企总销量占据这些市场总销量的91%,并占据全球市场的75%。通过这一综合评级报告,ICCT为全球汽车行业提供了一个清晰的转型考量维度,帮助各方更好地理解行业趋势,并作出明智的战略决策。在评估的10项指标中,较之去年多数企业在6个指标上均有所提升,包括零排放车等效销量、能源消耗、续航里程、零排放车目标、零排放车投资、以及高管薪酬。 2023全球汽车制造企业评级分数汇总( 表示与 2022 年相比分数有所提高; 表示与 2022 年相比分数有所下降)。绿色标记为“领先企业”(66.7–100),黄色标记为“正常转型企业”(33.4-66.6),红色标记为“转型滞后企业”(0-33.3) 特斯拉与比亚迪连续两年领跑全球车企零排放转型 在全球车企竞相迈向零排放未来的赛道上,特斯拉与比亚迪再次展现了其卓越的领导力,双双蝉联行业领先地位的前两名,与2022年保持一致。这两家车企已全面实现电动汽车的生产。特斯拉在多个关键指标上均取得了最高评分,包括充电速度、续驶里程、电池回收/再利用、发展目标、以及投资等维度。值得一提的是,在零排放汽车投资方面,特斯拉的投资力度大幅领先其他竞争对手。尽管特斯拉在电动汽车技术上取得了显著成就,在车型多样性上仍有进一步拓展的空间。 比亚迪作为另一家领跑者,其在零排放汽车领域的表现同样备受瞩目。比亚迪在车型覆盖上的评分高于其他所有非中国车企。想要保持全球领先地位,比亚迪尚需要将其目前的插电式混合动力汽车产品(占其销量份额48%)转型为纯电动汽车,同时努力提升其纯电动汽车产品的性能。 全球车企零排放转型进度各异,梅赛德斯-奔驰、上汽集团及长安汽车提升显著 梅赛德斯-奔驰在脱碳供应链方面取得了显著进步,不仅增加了可再生能源的使用,还加强了电池回收再利用的部署。长安汽车宣布了新的电池回收和再利用计划。上汽集团则在零排放车辆等效销售份额方面在参评车企中涨幅最大。今年,奇瑞汽车因其大幅增长的汽车销量被纳入了评级。包括上汽、吉利、长安、长城、奇瑞在内的五家中国车企被评为正常转型企业之列。 日本车企连续两年转型滞后,印度车企未来有望进入正常转型之列 在2023年度的全球车企转型评级中,日本和印度汽车制造企业依然整体滞后,但在其中,印度的塔塔汽车却展现出了强劲的发展势头。作为印度最大的汽车制造商之一,塔塔汽车在零排放汽车领域设定了更高的销售目标,并显著加大了在这一领域的投资力度,其产品技术水平也随之提升,在此发展态势下,塔塔汽车或将在未来的评级中超越一些目前处于“正常转型”梯队的企业,成为印度车企电动化转型的领军者。 尽管铃木汽车在2022年的评级中表现不佳,获得0分,但该公司已经开始逐步推进零排放汽车发展战略,展现了一定的转型意愿。然而,日本的一些传统汽车巨头如丰田、本田、日产和马自达的零排放汽车领等效销售占比仍然徘徊在1%-5%之间。这些企业需要进一步丰富零排放汽车的产品供应,并加大相关投资力度,以跟上全球汽车产业转型的步伐。 全球汽车制造企业评级(2022和2023年对比)共有7家汽车制造企业的评分有所上升,12家有所下降,1家保持不变。由于评分是基于汽车制造企业之间的相对表现,所以评分下降有可能意味着企业本身的零排放转型进展放缓,也有可能意味着行业对手转型进展的加速 报告作者、国际清洁交通委员会(ICCT)全球乘用车主管杨子菲表示:“中国汽车制造企业在向零排放汽车转型方面取得了实质性进展,在零排放车销量和车型多样性方面尤为突出。为了在未来保持竞争力,中国汽车制造企业需要继续提升产品技术水平,增加可再生能源的使用,并加大对零排放车的投资力度。” 根据ICCT的模型预测,至2035年,为确保交通领域与《巴黎气候协定》中规定的全球变暖不超过2°C的目标保持一致,领先市场所销售的新轻型车中,近100%需实现零尾气排放。从全球视角审视,零排放汽车市场在2023年取得了令人瞩目的进展。纳入本次评级报告的企业在2022年至2023年间,零排放汽车的销售量激增了42%,在能源效率和续航里程等技术性能方面也有了显著的提升。与此同时,各国政府对于推动零排放汽车的愿景和目标也变得更加清晰和积极。正如ICCT的首席项目官Stephanie Searle所指出的:“面对不断变化的政策和市场需求,那些对先进技术投资迟缓、未能及时响应政策导向的车企,可能会很快发现自己已经落后于那些更善于投资未来、拥抱变革的竞争对手。”这一观察揭示了当前汽车产业转型的必要性和车企必须作出的积极调整。
Australia finalizes first-ever CO2 emissions standards for light vehicles, sending its clearest signal yet to the automotive industry.
May 17 (Washington, D.C.) – On May 16, the Australian Parliament passed the bill for New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES), which sets the first-ever CO2 emission standards for Australia’s light-duty vehicles. The standards set annual gCO2/km emission targets from 2025 to 2029 for passenger cars, SUVs, utes, and vans. The adoption of the NVES marks […]