
China’s International Workshop on Green Freight Technology Assessment


On November 15-16, 2017, the ICCT co-organized the International Workshop on Green Freight Technology Assessment with Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transportation (MoT) and other NGOs. The workshop was hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Transportation (MoT) and US EPA, intending to provide an in-depth overview of US EPA’s SmartWay and green technology verification program. There was a thorough exchange with key stakeholders in China, including regulatory agencies, truck and tire OEMs, and CGFI members, regarding opportunity and barriers for moving China’s green freight program to the next level. The meeting engaged director YU Yingyuan from Chinese MoT, director Jim Blubaugh, Dennis Johnson, Anthony Erb, Joseph Bachman from US EPA, and a total of about 100 participants. ICCT’s executive director Drew Kodjak contributed a speech on market and technology assessment of China’s freight truck fleet, and comparisons between US and China. The workshop agenda and (bilingual) presentation slides are available for download on other sections of this page.