Decoding methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships
About this event
In recent years, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has gained popularity as a fuel for the maritime industry, but “methane slip” from marine engines and fugitive emissions have raised climate concerns. The Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships (FUMES) project has produced the most comprehensive dataset of real-world methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships, using drones, helicopters, and on-board measurements.
FUMES found that real-world methane emissions from the most common LNG marine engine averaged 6.4%, whereas EU regulations assume 3.1% and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) assumes 3.5%. Panelists representing the project’s partners discussed these findings and their policy implications.
March 14, 2024
14:30 CET
Location: Virtual
Event Contact
Susana Irles, Senior Communications Specialist, Europe

Bryan Comer
Marine Program Director,
International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)

Jörg Beecken
Senior Research and Project Manager,
Explicit ApS

Ruud Verbeek
Senior Technical Consultant,
Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)