Advanced Technology Development to Meet California's Climate Goals
Hydrogen Fuel Vehicles Infrastructure
The ICCT brought together a diverse group of stakeholders and outside experts on July 22, 2011 in San Francisco to brainstorm ways to fund hydrogen fueling infrastructure in California. The group discussed policy options to ensure that sufficient infrastructure will be in place to support the early rollout of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) prior to their full scale deployment. Automakers expect to increase California annual FCEV deployments from the hundreds over the next few years to more than a thousand in 2014 and more than ten thousand by 2016.
Participants included representatives from auto makers, state government, academic/research institutions, industrial gas companies, the banking sector, the oil industry, fuel retailers, and non-governmental organizations. The participants identified a number of common interests and agreed to convene a series of followup discussions convened by Catherine Dunwoody of CaFCP later in 2011.