
Reducing Air Emissions from Shipping in China

Clean air

Sponsored by the China Sustainable Energy Program, this technical workshop is jointly hosted by the China Waterborne Transport Research Institute (WTI) of the Ministry of Transport, the Vehicle Emission Control Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the ICCT, and supported by the Shanghai Society of Environmental Science.

This meeting is organized against the backdrop of growing concerns about air pollution in metropolitan areas in China, and a gradual realization of  how much shipping contributes to urban pollution. The workshop will introduce best practices for reducing air pollution from ships and port activities in the U.S., and Europe, review the latest research on developing marine emissions inventories, and identify challenges and opportunities for major ports as well as cities and regions along major rivers and the coast in China to improve air quality through cleaning up ships and port-related activities.

The provisional agenda can be downloaded via the links below.