Staff Blog
Supersonic aircraft: Twice as nice, or double the trouble?
Startups aiming to develop supersonic aircraft see a bright future, despite the high carbon intensity of their designs. But given evidence that supersonic aircraft will burn seven times more fuel per seat than subsonic aircraft, is there really room for supersonics in a net-zero future?

Fair play? The German car market amid increasing competition from China-based manufacturers
Explores the impact of the increasing market share of China-headquartered manufacturers in Germany’s automotive sector.

The proposed CO2 standards for trucks and buses don’t align with Europe’s climate goals. Parliament can get them back on track (or completely derail them)
This blog explores the impact of the amendments proposed by the European Parliament to the European Commission’s proposed CO2 emission standards for trucks and buses in the EU.

Explained: Why fuel efficiency standards in Australia are expected to reduce costs for car owners
It’s important to consider vehicle ownership cost over time when thinking about the costs of complying with fuel efficiency standards.

Europe’s new heavy-duty CO2 standards, explained
Overview of key changes in the new CO2 standards proposal

Europe’s heavy-duty CO2 standards risk being delayed. Our climate can’t wait.
A recent leak shows a six-month delay to the revision to Europe’s CO2 standards for trucks and buses

Run, Australia, run! Catch up with leading markets in decarbonizing light-duty vehicles
When Australia sets light-duty vehicle fuel efficiency or CO2 emission standards, it’s critical for climate goals that they align with world-class standards and start as early as possible.

To put the United States on track to reach 50% electric vehicle sales in 2030, cut the greenhouse gas target in half
Making the next round of standards at anything less stringent would mean leaving climate benefits on the table

A 2022 update on electric car sales: China taking the lead, the U.S. catching up, and Europe falling behind
Standards and supporting policies can have a big impact on the electric vehicle market

E-fuels: The magic lollipop to keep combustion engines alive (or not)
Will newly introduced language in a European Council agreement weaken the 2035 phase-out and keep combustion engines alive?

Will EPA’s proposed clean truck emission standards deliver environmental justice in U.S. states?
Adopting the most stringent possible rule can address the disproportionate impacts of emissions from diesel trucks and alleviate health burdens.

Purchase premiums for plug-in hybrids in Germany: Within the EU’s CO2 standards, the subsidy does more harm than good for the climate
The promotion of plug-in hybrids makes it easier for manufacturers to meet CO2 standards without reducing emissions.