Staff Blog
Brasil traça um caminho para um futuro marítimo limpo com um seminário fundamental
Apresenta as principais lições aprendidas em um seminário realizado no Brasil e analisa um breve estudo de caso de um graneleiro do Brasil para a China.

Brasil traza el rumbo para un futuro marítimo limpio con un seminario fundamental
Presenta las lecciones clave aprendidas en un seminario realizado en Brasil y analiza un breve estudio de caso de un granelero de Brasil a China.

Brazil charts a course for a clean maritime future with a pivotal seminar
Presents key lessons learned from a seminar held in Brazil and analyzes a brief case study of a bulk carrier from Brazil to China.

How U.S. ports can partner with the ICCT to leverage federal funding for electrification
With technical assistance from the ICCT, ports can conduct inventories of emissions and estimate the benefits of electrification.

India’s plan to expand shore power infrastructure at major ports
In Harit Sagar Green Port Guidelines, among the land-based initiatives are electrification of port vehicles and cargo-handling machinery and phased adoption of alternative fuels by trucks that transport cargo. To reduce sea-based emissions, Harit Sagar endorsed the use of shore power and cleaner alternative fuels to operate port crafts.

Aligning the IMO’s Greenhouse Gas Fuel Standard with its GHG strategy and the Paris Agreement
Explores how the GHG Fuel Standard (GFS) can be designed to align with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) GHG strategy and the Paris Agreement.

Without more action, LNG could pull international shipping off its decarbonization course
Regulating the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of marine fuels is crucial amidst the rise of LNG-fueled ships.

Opportunity NOx: How to fix the IMO’s backwards air pollution regulation
New research by the ICCT reveals that ships with newer Tier II engines emit more nitrogen oxides (NOx) than ships with older Tier I engines, highlighting the need for stricter emissions standards and testing methods in the maritime sector.

IMO’s newly revised GHG strategy: What it means for shipping and the Paris Agreement
The 2023 strategy contains big improvements, including a net-zero date around 2050 and interim emissions reduction targets for 2030 and 2040.

China’s chance to further reduce diesel emissions with robust policy “punches”
Doing more to abate emissions from diesel fleets can be one of the most critical missions for China in the next decade. The China Mobile Source Environmental Management Annual Report, published by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), revealed that on-road vehicles emitted 5.82 Mt of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 69 kt of particulate […]

Be truly “Fit for 55” by adding black carbon emissions from ships
To reduce the impacts of global climate change and protect the Arctic and its peoples, the European Union should consider adding black carbon emissions from ships to its climate regulations.

What if I told you cruising is worse for the climate than flying?
Vacationers take note: Even the most efficient cruise ships today emit more CO2 per passenger kilometer than a passenger jet.