

Working Paper

Assessment of automotive steel demand in the United States

This report analyzes quantities of different types of steel used in the production of light-duty vehicles in the United States and estimates the greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential if the industry were to replace today’s conventional steel in the body-in-white with green steel.

ICCT Authors: Logan Pierce, Peter Slowik,
Policy Brief

Norma de emisiones de CO2 para alcanzar la meta de electrificación de vehículos ligeros de México al 2030

Evalúa el impacto de los estándares de emisión de CO2 con diferentes niveles de exigencia para vehículos ligeros (LDV) en México, modelando el estándar de CO2 actualmente adoptado y escenarios alternativos para determinar el nivel de exigencia potencial necesario para alcanzar el objetivo de electrificación de vehículos ligeros en México para 2030.


Vision 2050: Update on the global zero-emission vehicle transition in 2024

This update to the ICCT’s Vision 2050 series tracks global progress on zero-emission vehicle policies and markets through August 2024. The analysis shows recently adopted policies could avoid an additional 23 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2050, but that a gap remains between this updated baseline and a more ambitious scenario aligned with the Paris climate goals.

ICCT Authors: Arijit Sen, Joshua Miller,