Global ZEV Transition Roadmap details progress-to-date across emerging markets and developing economies
Download the Roadmap to 2030: Enabling a Global Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles – 2024 Update. Download this press release.
Comparison of light-duty vehicle performance-based standards, 2024–2035.
More governments are announcing timelines to transition to 100% zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) sales for new vehicles. This ICCT visual showed targets for new ZEV sales and supply-side vehicle sales regulations—including ZEV sales requirements and performance-based CO2 and fuel economy standards for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles—in ZEV Transition Council member governments. Read more in […]
Meeting the Mark: Aligning regulations and standards with ZEV targets
Catalogues and compares targets for new ZEV sales and binding regulations and standards in major vehicle markets.
Accelerating ZEV adoption in fleets to decarbonize road transportation
Reviews the benefits of and opportunities for faster zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) transitions within fleets, and highlights the role of governments in supporting these transitions.
Charging infrastructure deployment in emerging markets and developing economies
Reviews the status of charging infrastructure in emerging markets and developing economies, and recommends policies for advancing charger buildouts
Deploying charging infrastructure to support an accelerated transition to zero-emission vehicles
Quantifies the amount of charging infrastructure needed in Zero Emission Vehicles Transition Council (ZEVTC) member jurisdictions through 2030 to support ZEV adoption at a rate that keeps the Paris Agreement within reach. Also details effective policy approaches for accelerating infrastructure deployment.
The G7 gets serious about decarbonizing road transportation
With everything else going on, you might have missed that the G7 ministers of climate, energy, and environment met in late May in Berlin and issued what is arguably the group’s strongest statement to date. The 39-page communiqué didn’t shy away from difficult questions. The ministers took strong stances on a range of topics bearing […]
Heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles: Pace and opportunities for a rapid global transition
Outlines steps needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from heavy duty vehicles to levels that help meet the transportation sector’s responsibilities under the Paris agreement.
Emissions reduction benefits of a faster, global transition to zero-emission vehicles
Models the well-to-wheel CO2 emissions impacts of an accelerated global ZEV transition (Ambitious scenario), and then quantifies and compares it with both currently adopted policies (Baseline scenario) and recently proposed and announced policies put forth by ZEVTC governments (Progress to Date scenario).