Market Spotlight


Market Spotlight

Electric vehicle market and policy developments in U.S. states, 2023

This market spotlight summarizes key metrics related to electric vehicle market growth at the state level through 2023, including annual sales and sales shares, charging infrastructure deployment, state purchase incentives, and model availability.

Market Spotlight

Cabotagem no Brasil em 2021

Destaca as principais commodities transportadas por cabotagem no Brasil e as entidades envolvidas no setor para explorar o potencial de sincronizar esforços de descarbonização e facilitar a realização das emissões líquidas zero nacionais.

Market Spotlight

Coastal shipping in Brazil in 2021

Highlights the principal commodities transported through cabotage in Brazil and the entities involved in this sector to explore the potential to synchronize decarbonization efforts and facilitate achieving national net-zero emissions.