Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe
Antriebswende: Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen können Zugang zu E-Autos maßgeblich erleichtern
Berlin/Essen, 2. Dezember 2024 – Der Umstieg auf Elektrofahrzeuge ist noch nicht für alle Bevölkerungsgruppen gleichermaßen möglich. Das zeigt ein von der Stiftung Mercator geförderter Monitor des International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). Gezielte Programme wie alternative Finanzierungsmodelle können jedoch den Zugang für breitere Teile der Gesellschaft erheblich erleichtern. Das zweite Jahr in Folge analysiert […]
Keep up the good sales: Ways to support the market for used BEVs in Germany
Expanding the used battery electric vehicle (BEV) market can help alleviate financial barriers to the technology and promote equitable access to BEVs across the broad population.
ICCT-Monitor 2023: Ist der Übergang von Verbrenner- zu Elektro-Pkw sozial gerecht?
Der ICCT-Monitor „Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe“ analysiert die Entwicklung des Pkw-Markts in Deutschland aus sozialer Sicht.
Are battery electric vehicles cost competitive? An income-based analysis of the costs of new vehicle purchase and leasing for the German market
The study investigates the cost of owning battery electric vehicles (BEVs) versus gasoline cars in Germany, highlighting the cost benefits in the compact car segment, the importance of purchase incentives, and the financial challenges lower-income individuals face in accessing the new BEV market.
Making electric cars affordable: How Germany and France are targeting people with lower incomes
An analysis of a variety of tax and purchase incentives designed to make battery electric vehicles more affordable in Germany and France.
An equitable transition from combustion engines to battery electric vehicles: Theoretical framework and status in Germany
Equitable mobility involves all transportation modes and a range of economic, social, and urban planning considerations. This study focuses on one important part of equitable mobility and the decarbonization of the transport sector: the transition from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) to battery electric vehicles (BEVs). First, it provides theoretical background on the concept of […]