Delhi’s multi-pronged approach to move towards cleaner, integrated public transport
Revathy Pradeep
Revathy Pradeep is a Researcher with ICCT’s India team and works on Zero-emission Vehicles and electric buses. She has been working in the area of urban transport since 2015, with domain expertise in Public transport, Electric mobility and urban transport policy formulation. She actively engages with Delhi Govt regarding public transport projects, including but not limited to the city’s planning for Mohalla bus services, bus route planning projects and Cashless ticketing. Prior to ICCT, Revathy worked with WRI India and where she led projects such as Station Access and Mobility Program (STAMP) and public transit, Road safety projects. Prior to WRI, she worked with Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC) and PMU for Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP), India, which was a National project funded jointly by GEF/WORLD BANK and MoUD (GoI). She’s also served as visiting faculty member at the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. Revathy has a bachelor’s in Civil engineering and a Master’s in Transport Planning from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. She’s an Associate Member of the Institute of Town Planners, India and a Member IRC G-3 Committee for Reducing Carbon Footprint in Road Construction and Environment.