tools for policy & research
![LDV phase-in map thru 10.2023 v2](
Zero-Emission Vehicles Phase-ins
Our phase-in maps detail the global progress in transitioning towards zero CO2 emission vehicles. Analyzed sectors in passenger cars, vans, light trucks, medium and heavy-duty trucks, and buses, highlighting the governments’ official targets for phasing in 100% sales of these zero-emission vehicles by specified dates. Additionally, the maps explore zero-emission zones (ZEZs) implemented and planned in cities worldwide.
Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption
![Charging Infrastructure Resource Guide ZEVTC]( PM.png)
Charging Infrastructure Resource Guide
This effort was coordinated under the Breakthrough Agenda Road Transport Action 4 (RT4), which aims to bring together organizations working on charging infrastructure, and led by the ZEVTC’s secretariat, the International Council on Clean Transportation.
![EU Pocketbook 24:25 cover](
European Vehicle Market Statistics Pocketbook
The annual European Vehicle Market Statistics report offers a statistical portrait of passenger car, light commercial, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets in the European Union since 2001. The emphasis is on vehicle technologies and emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Brief introductions to each chapter note important trends and provide selected comparisons to other large vehicle markets.
![Diesel cars emissions](
Official Fuel Efficiency and CO2 Emission Data Sources
This resource lists public, online sources of fuel efficiency and CO2 emission data, collected and published by regulatory agencies, for vehicles sold or registered under their jurisdiction.
![feebate figure 1 chart showing the bonus-malus program in France](
Feebate Simulation Tool
This simple, robust, Excel-based feebate simulation tool is designed to help users create the best feebate system for their country or region with only a modest amount of input data. It provides users insight into various alternative policy options within the feebate system. Output graphs illustrate the impacts of different design choices on both vehicle emissions and government revenues and expenditures. These, in turn, can assist users of the tool in national-level policy discussions and actual feebate design.
An accompanying user guide provides instructions on how to use the tool, as well as background information on feebate schemes, design options, and discussion of the pros and cons of different designs.
![ICCT_E-Mobility_Cover_Print[86]_Page_1 chart showing the bonus-malus program in France](
Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe in Deutschland
Aus klimapolitischer Sicht spielt der Übergang von Verbrenner-Pkw zu batterieelektrischen Pkw, hier kurz „Elektro-Pkw“, eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Dekarbonisierung des deutschen Verkehrssektors. Dabei ist es wichtig, die soziale Gerechtigkeit im Blick zu haben, damit alle Bevölkerungsgruppen an diesem Übergang teilhaben können.
Der ICCT-Monitor „Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe“ analysiert die Entwicklung des Pkw-Markts in Deutschland aus sozialer Sicht. Grundlage sind Daten zu Neuzulassungen und Beständen von Pkw sowie öffentlicher Ladeinfrastruktur, Kostenvergleiche von Pkw sowie Auswertungen von politischen Maßnahmen zu sozial gerechten Förderung von Elektro-Pkw.
![icct gopeit logo chart showing the bonus-malus program in France](