
Indirect land use change: The facts

Life-cycle analyses
Indirect land-use change, or ILUC, has dominated much of the conversation on biofuels for the past six years, and the debate is far from over. ICCT’s Fuels Program Lead, Chris Malins, will give a summary overview of the concerns underlying the policy issue in this webinar, sponsored by Biofuels International.
Dr. Malins will present material from a just-released ICCT study on the main determinants of ILUC emissions: the elasticity of food demand to price, the elasticity of yield to price, crop choices, the utilization of co-products, the elasticity of area to price, and the carbon stock of converted land. The study reviews the extensive and growing literature and details how these emissions determinants are handled in the key modeling exercises that have provided regulatory ILUC factors in the US and Europe.
Webinar format will be a thirty-minute presentation followed by audience questions.

Chris Malins