
Transition to Soot-free Heavy-duty Vehicles and Fuels Workshop: Accelerating Adoption of Euro VI and Electric Vehicles Technology in the Heavy-duty Transport Sector


Heavy-duty diesel vehicles move a large share of people and goods, yet this reliance on diesel technology comes with significant environmental and health costs. HDVs are responsible globally for 86% of on-road diesel NOx emissions and 78% of on-road diesel black carbon (BC) emissions, despite accounting for less than a quarter of the diesel vehicle fleet. The disproportionate contribution of HDVs to air-quality issues is a key reason for their prioritization by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Heavy Duty Vehicles Initiative (HDVI).

These issues have been identified in previous series of workshop and training organized by UNEP and ICCT with the first workshop “Transition to Soot-free Heavy-duty Vehicles and Fuels”, which was held virtually on 25 – 26 August 2021. The second event “Technical Workshop on Clean Fuel and Emission Standard” was held virtually on 17 November 2021. The third event “Transition to Soot-free Heavy-duty Vehicle and Fuels: Technical Workshop on Electrification of the Heavy-Duty Vehicles” was held virtually also on 20 April 2022. Those events were attended by ASEAN Member Countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, and the ASEAN Secretariat.

This fourth and closing workshop under this current project is expected to be able to strengthen and solidify the knowledge of key government officials in ASEAN countries on the latest technology development for vehicle emission standards, fuel quality, and electrification of heavy-duty transport as have been discussed in the previous three workshops. This 4th workshop is also a good opportunity to generate and facilitate discussion among transport relevant authorities in the ASEAN Region, particularly on how to move forward with the targets to adopt higher emissions standards and electrification of the transport sector.

Vehicle electrification is something that is currently receiving lots of attention from the governments of ASEAN member countries, with most of the countries, particularly the five largest emitters in terms of CO2 (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam), already rolled out a set of strategic documents and policies to accelerate the transition to electric vehicle in their countries. Other countries in the region have also adopted their electrification targets.


Adhi Triatmojo