NDC Transport Initiative for Asia
Fuel consumption baseline analysis for two-wheelers in Vietnam, 2017–2023
This study collects and analyzes the characteristics and baseline fuel consumption of two-wheelers sold in Vietnam from 2017 to 2021. The results will serve as a foundation for further policy development.
Climate and air quality benefits from accelerating electrification for Guangdong’s on-road transportation
Long-term zero-emission vehicle sales targets can contribute greatly to accelerate Guangdong’s on-road electrification, and more importantly, it can bring significantly climate and air quality benefits and help the province reach its 2035 environmental goals.
道路货运电动化之路: 广东省市场概览及政策建议
Electrifying on-road freight: Market review and policy suggestions for Guangdong province
The paper examines the zero-emission truck (ZET) market in Guangdong by focusing on promotion policies and technical specifications of top-selling models, and then estimates the total cost of ownership of a real-world use case for zero-emission dump trucks in Guangzhou and Foshan.
Trends of new passenger cars in China: Air pollutant and CO2 emissions and technologies, 2012–2021
Analyzes air pollutant emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and key technologies driving reductions in emissions from passenger cars in China from 2012 to 2021.
NDC-TIA 2022 China Annual Workshop – Policies, Technologies, and Pathways for Carbon and Pollutant Co-Control in Transportation
The NDC-TIA 2022 China Annual Workshop was held on online on December 14 and 15, 2022 by the China Research Academy of Environmental Science – Vehicle Emission Control Center (CRAES-VECC) and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). The workshop was organized on the theme “Policies, Technologies, and Pathways for Carbon and Pollutant Co-Control in […]
Electric two-wheeler market growth in Vietnam: An overview
Surveys the market for electric two-wheelers in Vietnam and examines the country’s potential to become a leader in production of electric two-wheeler vehicles.