GHG reduction potential and costs of LDV technologies, II
Second in a workshop series for regulators, manufacturers, fleets, academics and NGOs to discuss greenhouse gas reduction potential for light-duty vehicles and projected technology costs in the 2020–25 time frame. (See summary and materials for the first workshop, held in February 2012, here.)
The agenda includes: summaries of technical assessments in the context of the US 2012-16 and 2017-25 GHG regulations for light-duty vehicles and of the methodology and results of Ricardo vehicle simulations and FEV cost analysis Phase 1 for the European market; methodology and results of Phase 2 of the FEV project; an overview of methodologies and results of recent cost assessments of lightweighting as a measure to reduce GHG emissions; and preliminary cost curves summarizing GHG reduction potentials and costs for the European light-duty new vehicle fleet.