
Webinar: Transition to ultra-low-sulfur fuels in India


Cleaner air in India depends on cleaner diesel and petrol. The connection is straightforward. Stringent vehicle emissions standards require manufacturers to use advanced emission control devices. Those devices in turn require fuels with very low sulfur content, 10ppm or less, known as ultra-low sulfur fuels, to function optimally.

The problem is that India’s current regulatory limits for fuel sulfur content are 350 ppm for diesel and 150 ppm for gasoline—too high to permit the use of the most advanced emission control devices on vehicles. The lack of supply of ultra-low sulfur fuels in India is a key impediment to achieving cleaner vehicles and cleaner air.

This webinar focuses on pathways and costs for India to produce ultra-low sulfur fuels (ULSF). Primary objectives will be to identify the additional refining capabilities required and to summarize the capital and operating costs of a transition to ULSF production nationwide. Cost increases are also presented on a per liter basis, based on economic parameters and assumptions concerning future fuel production requirements.


Date: 7 November 2012
Time: 1800–1900 IST (1230–1330 GMT/UTC)