Press release
ICCT joins Global Fuel Economy Initiative
The International Council on Clean Transportation has joined the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI), an organization founded by UNEP, the International Transport Forum, the International Energy Agency, and the FIA Foundation with the goal of improving vehicle fuel economy around the world. The announcement came this week at the annual summit of the International Transport Forum in Zurich.
Drew Kodjak, ICCT’s executive director, said of the new partnership: “I believe that ICCT will complement and enhance the great work already being undertaken by GFEI. I look forward to bringing all of our expertise, data and know-how together and to getting the most out of these mutual resources.”
The GFEI’s workplan for 2013-15 describes a continued focus on three key areas: policy support, outreach, and research and analysis.
Speaking at the launch of GFEI’s new three year workplan, Sheila Watson, executive secretary of GFEI and director of environment at the FIA Foundation, said “We have been working alongside ICCT for some time now, and we are delighted that they are joining the Global Fuel Economy Initiative as a full partner. The world is not doing enough to address fuel use in cars and light vehicles, and ICCT’s expertise and experience will add further weight to the work which GFEI can do, at this vital time.”