Staff Blog
Moving past the early market: How to get battery electric vehicles to the mainstream
Explores the current state of battery electric vehicle (BEV) adoption in Europe, highlighting the challenges of moving from early adopters to mainstream consumers and the critical role of targeted policies and regulations to bridge the adoption “chasm.”

Keep up the good sales: Ways to support the market for used BEVs in Germany
Expanding the used battery electric vehicle (BEV) market can help alleviate financial barriers to the technology and promote equitable access to BEVs across the broad population.

Making electric cars affordable: How Germany and France are targeting people with lower incomes
An analysis of a variety of tax and purchase incentives designed to make battery electric vehicles more affordable in Germany and France.

Whose BEV is it anyway? New registrations and disparities across Europe
The breakdown of new registrations of battery electric cars reveals much about which groups benefit from incentive programs.

Incentivando veículos de zero e baixa emissão: A mágica dos programas de feebate
Se desenhados adequadamente, os programas de feebate podem ser uma solução neutra, em termos de receita, para ajudar a impulsionar a transição para veículos de zero ou baixa emissão.

Incentivizing zero- and low-emission vehicles: The magic of feebate programs
If designed properly, feebates can be a revenue neutral way to help spur the transition to electric.

Decarbonizing bus fleets: Global overview of targets for phasing out combustion engine vehicles
Governments are beginning to set targets for phasing out combustion engine vehicles from bus fleets.

Global overview of government targets for phasing out internal combustion engine medium and heavy trucks
With governments beginning to commit to phasing out internal combustion engine medium and heavy trucks, manufacturers are getting an important signal about where policy is headed.

Are electric four-wheelers becoming more cost attractive as ride-hailing vehicles in India?
Highlights from our updated assessment of electric vehicles for ride-hailing in India, which showed notable cost improvement with 2020 data compared to 2019.

The role of the used car market in accelerating equal access to electric vehicles
The new EV market is gaining speed in the EU, but how can policies encourage growth in the used EV sales?

The uptake of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in Europe's company car fleets: Trends and policies
Many European countries have adopted preferential taxable rates and incentives for electric company cars.
Small but mighty: The Netherlands’ leading role in electric vehicle adoption
Favorable electric vehicle policies such as tax incentives are driving the market in the Netherlands.