Descarbonização da frota de coleta de resíduos sólidos em São Paulo
Analisa o impacto financeiro e ambiental da substituição dos atuais caminhões de coleta de resíduos sólidos movidos a diesel por veículos elétricos e a gás natural veicular (GNV) em São Paulo.

Total cost of ownership parity between battery-electric trucks and diesel trucks in India
This study compares the TCO of internal combustion engine (ICE) diesel trucks and BETs in four segments—the 12-tonne, 16-tonne, 28-tonne and 42-tonne rigid truck—that have accounted for approximately 70% of the Indian truck market in recent years.

A comparison of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from combustion and electric heavy-duty vehicles in India
Evaluates the greenhouse gas impacts of different heavy-duty vehicle technologies in India, showing that battery-electric vehicles offer the greatest emissions reductions, enhanced by renewable energy, whereas the benefits of fuel cell vehicles vary based on the hydrogen source.

Assessing the scale of zero-emission truck deployment required for meeting India’s net-zero goal
Explores the penetration rate of zero-emission trucks necessary to achieve net-zero emissions from heavy-duty trucks in India by 2070.

Heavy-duty trucks in India: Technology potential and cost-effectiveness of fuel-efficiency technologies in the 2025–2030 time frame
Examines the potential benefits and costs of fuel consumption reduction technologies in heavy-duty trucks in India to support a future, more stringent fuel consumption standard for heavy-duty vehicles.