New central subsidies for scrapping and renewing coastal and inland river ships in China
Examines the scope and incentives offered under China’s new subsidy policy for scrapping and renewing coastal and inland river ships, and compares them with those under the previous policy, which was in effect from 2015 to 2019.

Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. maritime shipping: Potential benefits of a monitoring, reporting, and verification system
A U.S. Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system could address several gaps in estimating current maritime emissions.

Environmental and health benefits of a designated North Atlantic Emission Control Area
This study expands our previous evaluation of potential shipping emissions reductions in the proposed North Atlantic Emission Control Area by providing an assessment of the health and environmental benefits under different compliance scenarios.

Updating marine engine emission standards using real-world data: A potential update to IMO’s NOx technical code
This brief presents new analysis using Automatic Identification System (AIS) data to estimate real-world engine load distributions and provides recommendations for changes to IMO’s NOx Technical Code 2008.

Economic benefits of building zero-emission capable vessels in East Asia
Examines the economic potential for major shipbuilding nations—China, Republic of Korea, and Japan—in capturing the first mover advantage for the transition to zero-emission capable vessels (ZECVs).

Nationwide port emissions screening for berthed vessels: Prioritizing U.S. port electrification to improve air quality for near-port communities
This study, the first nationwide port emissions screening for at-berth vessels, helps identify U.S. ports where investments in shore power could meaningfully improve air quality in nearby communities.

Tracing the steel supply chain of the shipbuilding industry
Investigates the greenhouse gas emissions associated with steelmaking for shipbuilding and proposes strategies for decarbonizing the industry through improved energy efficiency, increased use of low-emission processes, and enhanced cross-industry collaboration.

Green shipping corridors: Screening first mover candidates for China’s coastal shipping based on energy use and technological feasibility
This study investigates the potential for green shipping corridors (GSCs) in China’s coastal shipping area, using hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, and batteries.

From concept to impact: Evaluating the potential for emissions reduction in the proposed North Atlantic Emission Control Area under different compliance scenarios
Assesses the potential emissions reduction from designating the North Atlantic Emission Control Area (AtlECA). The proposed AtlECA would place stricter regulations on ships aimed at reducing SOx, NOx, and PM emissions.

Cabotagem no Brasil em 2021
Destaca as principais commodities transportadas por cabotagem no Brasil e as entidades envolvidas no setor para explorar o potencial de sincronizar esforços de descarbonização e facilitar a realização das emissões líquidas zero nacionais.