Real-world NOx emissions from diesel pickup trucks in the United States: A 2023 update
Analyzes real-world emissions of diesel pickup trucks in the United States.

Impacts of a low-emission zone on air pollutant emissions in Gliwice
Analyzes the potential emission reduction benefits of a low-emission zone in Gliwice, Poland.

Real-world vehicle emissions in four major Scottish cities
Concludes a three year long real-world emissions testing campaign in four Scottish cities under the TRUE Initiative.

Real-world motor vehicle exhaust emissions in Delhi and Gurugram using remote sensing
Analyzes real-world emissions from vehicles in India’s National Capital Region through the TRUE Initiative.

Pollutant emissions from light-duty vehicles across North America: A comparative analysis
Comparative real-world emissions analysis between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Evaluación de las emisiones reales de vehículos de pasajeros y taxis en la Ciudad de México
Analiza las emisiones del mundo real de los vehículos en la Ciudad de México a través de la Iniciativa TRUE.

Assessment of real-world passenger vehicle and taxi emissions in Mexico City
Analyzes real-world emissions from vehicles in Mexico City through the TRUE Initiative.

Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships (FUMES): Characterizing methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships using drones, helicopters, and on-board measurements
The FUMES report, a collaboration between ICCT, Explicit ApS, and TNO, reveals that real-world methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships, including “methane slip” from marine engines, exceed E.U. and IMO assumptions.

Evaluation of real-world vehicle emissions in Abu Dhabi
Analyzes data of real-world NOx and particulate matter emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles in Abu Dhabi collected via remote sensing and compares results with those from similar remote sensing campaigns in Europe.

Impacts of a low-emission zone on air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in Warsaw
Examines the effects of a low-emission zone in Warsaw on air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.