EU vehicle market statistical pocketbook
European Vehicle Market Statistics – Pocketbook 2023/24
The ICCT’s European Vehicle Market Statistics 2023/24 Pocketbook provides an annual statistical portrait of the state of the EU car, van, truck, and bus markets in their transition to decarbonization.
European vehicle market statistics 2022/23
The ICCT’s European Vehicle Market Statistics 2022/23 Pocketbook provides an annual statistical portrait of the state of the EU car, van, truck, and bus markets in their transition to decarbonization.
European vehicle market statistics 2021/2022
A statistical portrait of passenger car and light commercial vehicle fleets in the European Union
European vehicle market statistics, 2019/2020
Statistical portrait of passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets in the European Union from 2001 to 2018
European vehicle market statistics, 2018/2019
Statistical portrait of passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets in the European Union from 2001 to 2017
European vehicle market statistics, 2017/2018
A statistical portrait of passenger car, light commercial, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets in the European Union from 2001 to 2016, with emphasis on vehicle technologies, fuel consumption, and emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.
European vehicle market statistics, 2016/2017
Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe’s passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.
European vehicle market statistics, 2015/2016
Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe’s passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.
European vehicle market statistics, 2014
Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe’s passenger car, light commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.
European vehicle market statistics, 2013
A statistical portrait of passenger car and light commercial vehicle fleets in the European Union from 2001 to 2012.