SAF policy scorecard: Evaluating state-level sustainable aviation fuel policies in the United States

Research Staff
Jane O’Malley
Senior Researcher
Jane O’Malley is a Senior Researcher with the ICCT Fuels Program. Her work focuses on the sustainability and lifecycle carbon impacts of alternative fuels in the road, aviation, and maritime sectors. Jane has been a member of the ICAO Fuels Task Group since 2022 and has worked with regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board, and European Commission to develop policy options to support the uptake of low-carbon transport fuels. She holds a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University and M.S. in Science, Technology & Environmental Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota.
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Assessing the role of biomass-based diesel in U.S. rail decarbonization strategy
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