Electrifying global road transport with less mining: Policy insights for the EU and U.S.
Fair play? Europe and China competition in the electric car market
Analyzing Europe’s CO2 standards proposal for trucks and buses
Fuels for the climate: Is natural gas the solution to decarbonise shipping?
Are we ready to transition to zero-emission trucking? Road freight decarbonization in Europe
Can fuel cell hydrogen trucks ever be cost-effective? The European case
Reale Nutzung von Plug-in-Hybriden in Europa: Ein 2022 Update
Real-world usage of plug-in hybrid vehicles in Europe: A 2022 update
Recommendations for the review of the heavy-duty CO2 standards in Europe
Batterie-Elektroautos und Plug-in-Hybride im Vergleich: Klimabilanz vs. staatliche Förderung
Battery-electric tractor-trailers in Europe: A total cost of ownership analysis