
The Global Automaker Rating 2022: Who is leading the transition to electric vehicles?

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The Global Automaker Rating 2022 is a definitive look at how global automakers rate in the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). Tesla and BYD are at the top of the ratings in this first edition of our in-depth analysis. We evaluate the top 20 manufacturers in the world based on their sales, actions, and ZEV strategies in six major global markets. All five manufacturers headquartered in Japan and Tata, headquartered in India, are at the bottom of our rating. However, most automakers score well on at least one metric; this reflects the complexity and breadth of the ZEV transition and the different approaches automakers are taking in the transition.

The ICCT’s analyses of vehicles are based on new light-duty sales in 2022; our analysis of each manufacturer’s current actions and forward-looking strategies are based on information collected through the end of 2022. We crafted our 10 custom-built metrics with an eye toward tracking progress over time, and we will update the rating annually.

The table below presents the overall ratings and the 2022 rating scores on the left reflect each company’s comparative position in the ZEV transition. “Leaders,” shown in green, scored in the top third of the rating (66.7–100); “transitioners,” in yellow, scored in the middle third (33.4–66.6); and “laggards,” in red, scored in the bottom third (0–33.3). The metrics that make up these scores are intentionally broad because the ZEV transition is complex. The market dominance pillar contains two metrics that reflect how far along each automaker is in transitioning to ZEVs in its own fleet. The technology performance pillar consists of five metrics that combine an assessment of how well an automaker’s offerings can appeal to a growing ZEV consumer base with evaluation of progress in sustainable manufacturing and sourcing, which will be necessary for a fully decarbonized transportation sector. The three metrics that make up the strategic vision pillar reveal each company’s commitment to its own ZEV future. The final rating results are a self-consistent view of the current state of the ZEV transition.

Table. Overall scores, The Global Automaker Rating 2022

Wide table shows overall scores for The Global Automaker Rating 2022 on the left, with leaders in green, transitioners in yellow, and laggards in red. To the right of that in gray are each automaker's scores on each the metrics and the pillar scores, which are highlighted in green, yellow, and red according to how the manufacturer scored on that pillar.

Download some of the key data and information used for this analysis, including details about our sources, in the spreadsheet below.

Global Automaker Rating_data_spreadsheet_final