
Webinar: EU vehicle market (15 Feb.)

On 15 February 2012 at 1300 GMT the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership will host a one-hour webinar by the ICCT’s regional lead for Europe, Peter Mock, on the technical and environmental characteristics of the European passenger vehicle fleet.

In January 2012, the ICCT published the first edition of our pocketbook of European vehicle market statistics, covering the years 2001 to 2010. This is a unique compilation of data that has not been publicly available until now, and an invaluable reference for policy makers, researchers, and the general public. It provides answers to questions like “What is the level of carbon dioxide emissions by country and manufacturer?” or “What is the market share of passenger cars with rear-wheel drive by manufacturer?”

Dr. Mock, coauthor of the EU statistical pocketbook, will discuss highlights from the data and explain historical trends and their implications for future policies.

View the webinar here.

Peter Mock