
European Vehicle Market Statistics

With the adoption of the European Union (EU) regulation setting carbon dioxide (CO2) emission performance standards for new passenger cars (Regulation (EC) No. 443/2009) and light-commercial vehicles (Regulation (EC) No. 510/2011) Member States are required to report certain details for each new vehicle registered in their territory. The information is then compiled and published by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) on behalf of the European Commission (EC).

While these data collections are an important step forward in making available transparent and detailed vehicle market statistics for Europe to the general public, the amount of information included is limited to a few parameters, such as number of registrations, manufacturer, fuel type, CO2 emission, and vehicle mass.

The basis for the statistics shown in this report is a database that was compiled by the ICCT. It includes technical information, emission levels, and registration volumes at a car variant level. Sources of information include data obtained by R. L. Polk from various registration authorities, as well as car manufacturers’ and importers’ associations, data from the United Kingdom Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), the German Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA), the Automobil Revue magazine, and information provided directly by manufacturers and suppliers.

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