CO2 emissions from trucks in the European Union: An analysis of the 2021 reporting period
Felipe Rodríguez
Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program Director / Europe Deputy Managing Director
Felipe Rodríguez serves as a Director for the Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program and as the Deputy Managing Director for ICCT Europe. Felipe’s work focuses on reducing the climate and air quality impacts of transport through improvements in conventional and electric powertrain technologies. Prior to joining ICCT, Felipe worked in industry and academia investigating the formation of pollutants in combustion engines and the role of emission control systems. Felipe’s academic background includes a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), a Master of Automotive Engineering from RWTH Aachen (Germany), and a Bachelor of Mathematics from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
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Zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle market in China (January–June 2024)